Expert Tips from Dinah: How to Tackle Clutter and Create an Organised Space

When it comes to decluttering and organising, we have many experiences helping clients transform their spaces, Dinah has developed a unique approach that combines practicality with empathy. In this blog post, Dinah shares her top tips and insights on how to tackle clutter and maintain an organised, stress-free home.

1. What Inspired Dinah to Start Declutter Assistance?

“I’ve always had a heart for helping others, and over the years, I’ve come to see how clutter really impacts people’s lives, often more than they realise. I wanted to provide a service that not only helps them declutter but also teaches them how to maintain an organised home and therefore feel happy about themselves.”

2. How Do You Define Clutter?

“Clutter is not about having too many things; it’s about holding onto items that no longer makes you happy. Clutter can be physical, like piles of papers or unused items, but it can also be mental, like tasks or commitments that weigh you down. My goal is to help clients identify and remove both types of clutter from their lives.”

3. Overcoming the Emotional Challenges of Decluttering

The biggest challenge is often the emotional attachment clients have to their belongings. It’s not just about removing items; it’s about understanding the sentimental value and finding ways to honor those memories while still creating a functional space. Another challenge is helping clients overcome the overwhelm and take that first step.”

4. How Do You Decide What to Keep and What to Let Go?

 “I always ask clients to consider whether they will be needing it in the future, does it serve a purpose, or do they even like it? If not, it’s time to let it go. Another helpful question is, ‘If I were moving tomorrow, would I take this with me?’ If the answer is no, it’s a good sign that it’s time to part with it.”

5. Memorable Transformations that Make the Work Rewarding

“One that comes to mind is a client who was preparing to downsize after living in the same house for 40 years. The home was filled with memories and belongings from their entire life. We worked together to sort through everything, and by the end, the client felt a sense of relief and readiness for the next chapter. Seeing that emotional and physical transformation is what makes this work so rewarding.”

Dinah’s insights offer a valuable perspective on the decluttering process, emphasizing the importance of both emotional and practical strategies. Whether you’re looking to declutter your home, downsize, or simply maintain a more organised space, these expert tips can help you achieve your goals. At Declutter Assistance, we’re here to support you every step of the way.